The sermon at my church this week was on offering. It was a good sermon, but my mind got to wandering when the preacher talked about how our offering is used to meet people's needs in the community. It made me think about how politicians in recent years have tried to convince us that it is the "Christian" thing to do to pay taxes so that the government can help people. They would have you believe that their message and the message from my preacher's sermon today are one in the same.
However, I believe these two messages could not be further apart and this actually goes to the heart of one of, if not the biggest problem in our country today. Some people have called it the Progressive Movement, which began in the early part of the 20th Century. Whatever you want to call it, I have noticed that it has gradually become an effort to replace God with government. Since the 1960's there has been a concerted effort to remove God from any role in our society. The further we have moved from God, the greater our needs have become. Check out what David Barton had to say about this:
"In each study you can clearly see a negative impact starting around the year 1962 when School Prayer was removed! Teenage pregnancy rates have gone up 500% since 1962. Unmarried mothers have risen dramatically since 1962. The divorce Rate is so high that many young children don't really understand what a family is. Violent Crimes have risen steadily since the early 60's, and our prison system is bursting at the seams. The SAT scores have steadily declined each year for 18 straight years since 1962 and continue to decline or be low. We once had the best school system in the world, and we are now ranked about 15th among the industrialized nations. This is despite us spending more money then any other nation in the world on our school system. "
During approximately the same period of time, we have seen massive growth of the government in terms of spending, regulations and government employees. For every problem we face, someone in the government has an "answer". The latest example we have seen of this has been dealing with the problems in healthcare, but the previous president thought he had the fix for education with "No Child Left Behind". The people behind the movement to remove God from the public square want you to believe they are separating church and state, but they are really replacing the church with the state. The amazing faith of people in the governments ability to fix our problems is astounding, especially considering how often the government is to blame for those problems. Before you know it, all of our money will read "In Government We Trust."
If you think I'm wrong, look at the way some his followers practically worship Barack Obama. From the tingly Chris Matthews to fainting fans in the crowd, his rallies often resembled old revival meetings more than political meetings. Just listen to his themes..."Change You Can Believe In"; "Hope"; "Yes We Can!" If you listen to some of his speeches, they were so uplifting and devoid of any specifics that would distinguish them as political speeches rather than sermons. Actions of the government would also have you think they believe they are gods as well, such as determining when life begins (abortion), creating life (embrionic stem cell research), and deciding when life should end (refer to some of the aspects of the latest health care debate).
If we continue to turn to the government to fix our problems, we will only get bigger problems. Try letting the church and other organizations work on the solutions. It's what they specialize in. Remember, it is the government that takes your money and turns it into debt, but it was Jesus who took the gift of five loaves and two fish and fed 5,000. Who are you going to put your faith in?
ReplyDeleteVery good post. The government needs to get out of the way and let us get the country going again. I have faith that people are starting to figure this out. There is real rage and it is not a GOP ploy. We live in a country founded on Christian principles. The fact that people debate this is amazing. If we, as a country, ask God to leave, he will.
A revolution is going to happen. Hopefully, a peaceful revolution at the polls. God bless.
Tony Reed