Monday, November 16, 2009

Mark Kirk

Some people believe that Mark Kirk can win the Senate seat that was previously held by Barack Obama.  Just because they think he can win they think that is enough reason to support him.  Nevermind the fact that he voted for cap and trade.  Who cares that he is pro-choice?  This win at any cost mentality is what is destroying the Republican party.  We were told in 2008 that John McCain was the only Republican who could win because he appealed to the middle.  Unfortunately, the right wing was so disgusted with him that not enough of them turned out for it to matter how many people in the middle voted for him.  If you can't get the support of the base of the party, the middle or independent voters don't matter.  It is not impossible for a true conservative to win in Illinois, especially given the current state of the Democratic party in this state.  The Illinois GOP needs to wake up and look for a true conservative.  Even if Mark Kirk wins, the GOP still loses, given that he supports the democrats on the many of the major issues as much as he does the Republicans.